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Friday, August 31, 2007

Run # 104 - Improvement

I waited until near sundown today on a day where the temperature reached the mid 110's but it felt like 200 at times as I went all over town today with Tom and Jenny Darby. I felt like I was running faster than I did on Tuesday when I did the same run.

I concluded this may be due to the fact that I ate a considerable amount of food throughout the day before I ran, something I typically don't do.
That's all I have to say for now.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Run # 103 - I'm blaming the morning heat

I'm not running faster and the morning is a rough time for me. So the above run is again horrendous and things are getting worse but I feel a lot better..and thats all that really matters to me.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Run # 102 - Shame

In all honestly, I am so disappointed with my performance this morning I'm just going to post the map. I'm not going to elaborate. I'm just going to move on and look forward to doing better tomorrow. Which should be easy given several members of the elderly passed me today as I ran. Even though they were walking pretty fast, it was still upsetting to have happen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Run # 101 - A Slow Morning Jog

I haven't run this yet but I want to predict that its going to be just under 3 miles and really slow. I don't favor morning runs, and its already 92 degrees and I just got back from "weightlifting" at Lifetime. I woke up at 6 AM today and I am just not used to that. But its my new plan so I can come home from work and just go to bed by 6:30 PM or so. It will be interesting to see how this works. I've made the turn from 100 and it feels good. I feel like I will make my goal already and I'm just under 1/3 of the way there. The next big marker for me will be December 2nd in Tucson for the marathon there. Then there is another marathon in January here in Phoenix and apparently I'm on some sort of team for a relay run at the end of February. Run # 102 tomorrow and that will actually be a challenge for me. The training schedule calls for 7 miles and I have about 3 or 4 runs that have been at least 7 miles under my belt since late last fall when I trained for the 2007 January marathon, which was a complete struggle running in 50-60 degree weather, not to mention the 29 degree weather the morning of the race.

Speaking of complete struggles, I woke up today.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Run # 100 - One Last Chance Run

To my loyal blog readers, tonight I have good news and bad news.

The good news is the streak is alive and well.

The bad news is I have a lot of work to do to update this blog with some interesting stories and maps.

So, without further ado, let me say that Run # 100 (John, don't forget the cake(s) will have the map and story posted soon.

Stay tuned....

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Run # 96 - A Painfully Slow 1.36 miles

Story to come

Run # 95 - The Quietdrive Run

Tonight I went to see Quietdrive play and then proceed to drink with Kevin and Matt.

Therefore this run was a little hazy but I felt I did well. I ran to all QD songs. Here was the setlist: 1. The Season 2. Both Ways 3. Get Up 4. Rush Together 5. Rise From The Ashes.
Good luck to Matt, Kevin, and Justin who have to fly to Atlantic City tonight to play an acoustic show on a Riverboat.
I'll be sure to check out The Almost and Meg&Dia per Kevin's request.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Run # 94 - Running Scared

On tonight's run I felt compelled to run like someone was chasing me.... with a knife. As it turns out, I ran like that was someone with severe arthritis in both knees rather than what I had envisioned to be a crazed person on stimulants with murderous intentions. But I can't ever really worry about how fast I run, because my goal here is to just do it every damn day.

This was a tough run because I was so tired even before I started it. I slept from about 9 pm to 11 pm, and seriously again pondered ending the streak and just continuing to sleep. My alarm kept going off and I used The Format's tune 'Swans' to get off my ass (my father did give me features that I didn't want by the way).

For the first time ever, I fell asleep at my desk at work today. I'd like to say this was probably due to long hours of overtime at work due to a record-setting sales month. To be honest, I'd probably have to say this was due to narcotics.

My friend's band is in town tomorrow to play a concert at the Clubhouse in Tempe, a place I used to live right next to when I first moved to AZ in 2002. What's interesting about this is when I first moved there, my neighbors told me a drive-by shooting had occurred just days earlier. And then this recently happened there in July: Clubhouse Shooting.
So I'll probably have to get my ass out of bed early in the morning to run # 95 tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Run # 93 - The John and Shivani Run

I listened to Pearl Jam (John and Shivani's favorite band) the whole run.
Here was the playlist:
1. Daughter
2. Nothingman
4. Better Man
5. Black
I have to say that as I neared the end of the run and Black was reaching the end I really felt like I could sprint easier as Vedder belted out "I know someday you'll have a beautiful life..I know you'll be a somebody else's sky, but why, why, why can't it be, why can't it be miiiiiiiiiiiiine? "
It was the perfect ending to an otherwise pathetic run. I could only manage 8.5 minute miles but I did feel pretty good afterwards.
John, you now owe me 2 sheet cakes once I reach 100 a week from today.

Run # 92 - A Sweltering Return

I returned to Phoenix on Sunday night and managed a 2.18 mile run. My shirt was as soaked as a wet bed when I finished and it oddly reminded me of my attempt to party responsibly in Denver. I have to give myself credit though because I pulled this off not only after a bumpy ride back to Phoenix but after eating a Chipotle burrito in 3 minutes flat and half of a pizza later on. I fell asleep from about 10:15 - 10:30 pm but pulled it together to start the run at 10:39 pm. Once again cutting it close, but nevertheless keeping the streak alive. It will be # 93 tonight and I must say thanks to John's friend Shivani who said I would only make it 3 months, to which John replied "And I'm giving you less than that."

Tonight will be entitled 'The John and Shivani Run' as my way of saying thanks for the inspiration..not to mention the faith in me.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Run # 91 - The Denver Poley Run

(Pictured above is Poley hours after this can tell this run restored his focus)

The day after a "bobblehead Chris" night I vowed to continue the streak by running the Cherry Creek again with my good friend Erich Michael Poley. Hence the name The Denver Poley run.

I decided to start out nice and slow. Poley didn't. He ran fast out of the gate because he always wants me to realize he's better than me at everything. I ran with an iPod and he didn't so I couldn't really be a dick and jack up my music. Therefore I had to listen to myself breathe like a fat kid.

We both felt the effects of massive drinking the night before. I had mildly recovered with a nap and a couple Bloody Mary's but was pretty dehydrated. We stopped after about 15 minutes and decided to sprint some and jog more on the way back. We also pussed out and walked for a bit but we still negative split the run even though we ended it a little early.

All in all, it was nice to run in that altitude s and I really didn't feel the effects like I thought I would. It rained a bit and it was cooler than Phoenix so I was happy.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Run # 90 - Denver Run # 1

The altitude in Denver didn't seem to affect me. I ran this one with my friend Derek and we ran along what is known as the Cherry Creek. I wasn't sure how to map it because Google didn't show the creek so I guess we didn't about 8 minute miles because it wasn't too long of a run and I felt like we were going pretty fast. I really enjoyed the cool breeze and lack of heat. We also did a stair workout after this one so I felt great. Run # 91 tomorrow and I would like to run the creek again to my favorite Denver destination, the Cherry Creek Mall.

Run # 89 - A Morning Slow, but Faster Jog

Before heading to Denver, I got my ass out of bed early before work and did this run. It was about 1.4 miles and was the same as Tuesday's run without the intentional slowness so my time improved considerably. Run # 90 today in Denver. Let's see how the elevation affects me....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Run # 88 - An Untimely Injury

Run # 88, on 8/15 was supposed to be at least an hour run. But an untimely internal injury dashed all hopes of that, and enabled me to continue my weak weeklong streak of just over 1 mile runs. It was a slow run with Chuck and I'm amazed I made it as far as I did. I was in a lot of pain and still am. Run # 89 is tomorrow morning and we'll see if I'm still affected. Next week I hope I'm back to normal and I sure hope I can get on the marathon training schedule. In past marathons I've sort of winged it, but this upcoming one is one where my goal is to break 4 hours, and I highly doubt I'll do it unless I step up my training, as well as my diet which could be the cause of these untimely injuries.....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Run # 87 - Intentionally Slow

Run # 87 on Tuesday, 8/14 was one I decided to do intentionally slow. I wanted to do a total of 16 minutes as slow as possible. Instead I ran 9 minutes to a street not that far from Hoh, and then I ran 7:57 or so back.

It was only 1.4 miles but it was enough to keep the streak alive and pretty much all I had in the tank in a week that has been the lowest mileage so far. It's pretty sad too, considering that marathon training has started and my goal for this week was 30 # 88 tomorrow.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Run # 86 - My attempt at a sprint

This was my attempt at sprinting 1.09 miles during 102 degree heat at 9 pm in mid-August in AZ. I've eaten very little today and am somewhat dehydrated so I guess I'm proud of this time. I'm going to try to lift weights and run at least 6 miles tomorrow. Running clears my mind and is quite therapeutic. Sometimes I fail to realize that but I always feel good after a run, even if its this short.

Run # 85 - Slogging Along

After a rough weekend, this was a tough run but I managed it. My plan is to sprint half of it tomorrow and see if I can beat my time at the halfway point of 9.02. Run # 86 will be the shortest run ever during this streak. Since its so hot now in AZ, I don't feel bad about it at all.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Run # 84 - Wow Did I Fuck That Up Run

Friday night was nothing short of a debacle and that made this Saturday's run pretty tough. I may or may not write more later, but if I can offer one phrase about my weekend, its that I would have enjoyed running 100 miles non-stop more than I enjoyed the aftermath of Friday night and sleeping on my front step for 4 hours. WOW.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Run # 83 - My Shoulder Hurts

While running this AM I noticed an unusual amount of right shoulder pain. So now I need to find out why. A long 11 miles either tomorrow (Run # 84) or Sunday (Run # 85).

Run # 82 - Please Catch Troy

I needed at least 5 miles tonight and I went above and behind and was able to get back under 9 minute miles. Now I just need Troy Williamson to do the same for the Vikings this year. Run # 83 tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Run # 81 - The AC Run

I thought about the former great Vikings wide receiver nicknamed AC during this run a few times, solely named after him because he was number 81. It was a good run and I feel great right now. I'm at 7.5 miles for the week for the marathon training and I'm supposed to finish the week with 30. I have to do 11 on Saturday so that means I have to do 11.5 total for Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. A bit off schedule but I should do at least 5 tomorrow for run # 82, which will be called the Troy Williamson Please Catch the Ball and Run Run (because he can't right now although he does in the picture again JohnnyKnowsBlogs second favorite NFL team, the Redskins.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Run # 80 - Continuing to slow down

I guess it might be a good thing with several weekends of longer mile runs ahead of me... Run #81, dedicated to the former Vikings' great wide receiver, Anthony Carter, is tomorrow.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Run # 79 - Barely

I started and finished this run and I was so tired throughout I have no idea how I finished. I also was almost hit by a car. Run # 80 tomorrow.

Run # 78 - Recovery Hoh

Supposed to do a 5 mile pace run tonight but I'm really not selfish enough to stick to this marathon training program to a T. I had to talk to an important person at length tonight and I didn't have the time to do the 5 miler so I'll have to make it up later this week.

I am definitely happy I just did 2.25 miles tonight even though it was slower. My legs are feeling the 9.3 miler, the last part where I almost made it all the way up A Mountain, and then working out later at Lifetime and running .7 miles on a treadmill there.

Tomorrow's schedule for the marathon training calls for "cross-training." My plans are going to the dentist, to get a drink, and then to run probably two miles max. Closing in on 100 consecutive days of running....

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Run # 77 - A Terrible Performance

I'm absolutely digusted with myself with this run. It was humid sure, but thats no excuse. I ran 10:25 minute miles and was supposed to get to 10 miles today but fell .7 miles short.

I just didn't have it today.

All I know is I have a lot of work to do to get better because this was a miserable performance. My goal is under a 4 hour marathon but I need to get better with distance running because apparently I've lost even the ability to run a 4:27 marathon or 4:19 marathon like the last two I've completed.

Run # 78 is scheduled to be a 5 mile pace run, which I think means I need to run 5 miles at my desired marathon pace. So 45 minutes is all tomorrow, which will seem easy and short compared to today....I hope.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Run # 76 - Another "Off" Day

According to my marathon training schedule - the Intermediate II version in Hal Higdon's book "Marathon," - I'm supposed to use today to rest.

The streak won't allow for that so I made it an easy run tonight.

1.76 miles on the eve of my first early morning 10 mile run since January. Tucson, here I come.

Run # 75 - An Intentionally Slow Run

To kickoff the marathon training, Chuck and I ran together and we intentionally aimed to run slow. For the first time in a long time, I ran over 10 minute miles. I felt pretty tired after I made the turn at the half way point. The first long run on Saturday will be 10 miles and if I can do 9 minute miles the whole way, I'll be impressed with myself after tonights performance.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Run # 74 - Worn Out

I'm hoping this isn't a prelude to the training, but today was a struggle. The heat was a factor I'm sure as I ran during the middle of the day, but I just didn't have it. I am not feeling well at all and I'm surprised I did as well as I did today.
The Tucson marathon is December 2nd and I now have 4 full months to prepare. I'll need under an average of 9 minute and 9 second miles the entire 26.2 trek to achieve my goal of an under 4 hour marathon.

Why do I think I have a chance? Check out the elevation chart of the Tucson marathon. We'll start at 4,730 feet and end up at 2,586 feet....downhill the entire way. My knees might hurt on December 3rd.