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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Run # 214 - The Drunk Girl Yelling Run

On the road for the 214th day in a row, I ran with no music (a rarity).

I also ran in long pants (another rarity) and dress socks (something I've never done).

Those oddities didn't match up with what I experienced at the end of this near-2 mile run.

A car was making a left turn as I approached an intersection. It's not often, but from time to time I will go toe-to-toe with a moving vehicle.

My friend Chuck has told me in the past that I pretty much freak out when I cross intersections (I usually stop completely) but this time I just ran right into it.

The car didn't come close to hitting me, but a girl who was riding in it yelled out "We just saw your life flash right before your eyes...." or something to that drunk effect.

I guess I was annoyed but I appreciated the experience so I could write about it. And I will guarantee to wear my headphones next time, because I've never had fun listening to a drunk girl yelling I've been while running.

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